VANCOUVER - KITSILANO Dr Paula Fainstat has been serving the Vancouver and out-of-town patients from Kitsilano for over thirty years, addressing pains, stress and a wide range of conditions and concerns. Dr Paula has over 25 years' experience and is continually expanding her training. Some of her up-to-date certifications are prescriptions rights (medication), acupuncture and regenerative injection therapies (prolotherapy) Dr Paula's goal is to help you achieve the best state of wellness possible with the least invasive approach. Neural ReSet Therapy
Find out why so many patients are excited by this treatment > |
receive instructions on our Covid protocols before their first visit. Well fitting masks are required and can be provided. TREATMENT TODAY During the pandemic there is a range of reasons to seek naturopathic care. Most patients realize the importance of maintaining health and addressing concerns before they progress. COMMON CONCERNS In addition to the typical ranges of symptoms that bring patients to a nauturopathic doctor, many people are now experiencing 'nervous system fatigue'. Dr Paula will be glad to support your nervous system during this challenging time. |